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73.195 ~ 2259 ~ Dark Chestnut ~ Conistra ligula
UK Status

Resident. Common C,S,(N).

Montgomeryshire Status

A much more uncommon species than the Chestnut, although it has been recorded throughout the county. This species will almost certainly often be overlooked amongst the  various forms of Chestnut in the trap.

Wingspan :  M & F, 30-38mm.

Confusion species

Flight time (Montgomeryshire)


Woodland and more open areas.


Sallows, birch, hawthorn, blackthorn, docks and dandelion.

Lifestage data

Overwinters as an adult, mating takes place during this time. Larva April-June, feeding at night. Pupates in a loose earthen cocoon underground.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by MDH, 30th Oct 2009, Llanfyllin